About Red Wool Editions
Red Wool Editions publishes philosophical children’s books and educational texts. We are an alliance of creative specialists passionately focused on truth-seeking, innovative writers and educators. Our alliance includes authors, designers, content strategists and marketers. We promote an end-to-end approach to content creation. Most of all, we create fun books for young philosophers, with accompanying educational resources. Our inspiration is working with writers and educators who bring their innovative practices for creating texts, music, sound and image to the world.
The Red Wool Editions Team
Clare-Rose Trevelyan
Author and Founder of Red Wool Editions
Clare-Rose’s dream has always been to help create a kinder world, and she believes that the best way to do this is to awaken the philosophers inside the minds of children. By 2008, she had a dress-up chest full of half-written leather-bound journals, stashes of CDs full of home-made songs – unmixed – and a swimming pool of photographs of everyone she loved. She was living out of a suitcase in Alphabet city when she decided to gather all these thoughts and turn them into children’s books.
She met Francis Lim and Yongho Moon in 2012, and they worked together for years on translating her junkyard of musical, visual stories into a finished collection of five books with accompanying soundtracks called The Past Life Library, along with four smaller books that comprise the Young Philosophers Series. For more information, visit her website: clare-rose.com.
Dr Josey De Rossi
Education and Research Director at Red Wool Editions
Dr Josey De Rossi is the education and research director at Red Wool Editions. She lives in Melbourne, Australia and has over thirty-five years experience in the education field. De Rossi contributes to the educational resources for Red Wool Editions and shares her thoughts on children’s philosophy and education. For her curriculum vitae, feel free to visit her LinkedIn page.
Yongho Moon
Illustrator and Media Artist
Yongho Moon lived in South Korea before coming to Australia. He has many talents, including skills as an engineer, but his passion is visual contemporary arts and design. His work has been shown both in Australia and South Korea where his media art has been projected on the giant facade of Seoul Square. He loves collaborating with author Clare-Rose Trevelyan who he says offers him the freedom to develop ideas in his own way.
Francis Lim
Publication Designer
Francis Lim is originally from Singapore. His experience as a designer includes working on many different kinds of publications, company reports, advertising copy, magazines, and booklets for State and National organisations such as museums. He has been working with Clare-Rose Trevalyan for over five years, realising her original ideas into beautiful publications.
Jeremy Noble
CPA and Business Manager
Jeremy Noble has been the business manager of Red Wool Editions since 2016. His belief in Clare-Rose Trevelyan’s stories was so strong that he helped turn the collections into a publishing company.